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Leadership Analytics

Assessment, Behavior and Discipline, Data Analysis, Education Analytics, Student Information System (SIS), Education Applications

For School-Based Admin, District-Level Admin

Serving Grades All

The Exchange App

Available Now

Exchange Data Warehouse

District and school leaders can access a set of data dashboards designed to be user-friendly regardless of data expertise and capacity. The dashboards can be viewed at the district or school level for different areas of interest – attendance, behavior, enrollment, course grades, and more!


  • Understand chronic absence at your district or school quickly. Identify which groups and students are at risk for targeted interventions.
  • Determine which behaviors resulted in out-of-school suspensions. Understand which students are having behavior issues.
  • Examine current enrollment data at a glance. Identify new students. Identify students who have withdrawn.

Technical Information

Integration Steps
General Exchange integrations (e.g., SIS integration to ODS; single sign-on integration to Administrative Console), Assessment loads and integrations (dependent on vendors used), Role-setting for school and district-level users
Type of Data Needed for Application
SIS and desired assessments used by the district
Level of Effort to Onboard
Light, once the infrastructure is in place.

See an aggregated profile of schools in your district across key metrics that include: attendance, chronic absenteeism, enrollment, behavior, course grades, and assessment data, all in one place.

Explore any of the key metrics in greater detail, dashboard charts or download to different formats

Highlight and filter by key student demographics

Access important context to understand each dashboard including metric definitions, business rules, references, and limitations to help you understand your data

What’s Next for The Exchange

Subsequent releases of The Exchange will feature an expanded product catalog of applications featuring Texas education groups and third-party vendors. They will also provide more options for participants to leverage the data infrastructure for custom reporting.

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